The Third Class Reader

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Dublin Core


The Third Class Reader


A plain country mouse was once unexpectedly visited at his hole by fine mouse of the town, who had formerly been his playfellow. The honest rustic, pleased with the honor, resolved to entertain his friend as sumptuously as possible. He set before him some delicate gray peas and bacon, a dish of fine oatmeal, some parings of new cheese, and, to crown all with dessert, a remnant of a charming mellow apple. When the repast was nearly finished, the spark of the town, taking breath, said, "Old Crony, give me leave to be a little free with you. How can you bear to live in this melancholy hole here, with nothing but woods, and meadows, and mountains, and rivulets about you. Do you not prefer the hum of the busy city to the chirping of birds, and the splendor of a grand house to the prospect of a wild like this ?" With many flowery arguments he at last prevailed upon his country friend to go with him to town, and about midnight they safely entered a certain great house, where there had been an entertainment the day before. Here it was the citizen's turn to entertain, and placing his guest on a rich Persian carpet, they both began to regale most deliciouely on the richest meats and drinks, when, on sudden, the door opened, servant came in, and the two mice were glad to scamper for dear life. The country mouse was ready to die with fear at the many hairbreadth escapes which followed. At last, when they had retreated to a place of safety, he bid his city friend a hasty good morning, saying, "If this be your town life, much good may it do you. Give me my poor quiet hole again, with my homely but comfortable country fare. frugal living, enjoyed in peace and security, is better than the greatest luxuries, imbittered by fear and danger."


Benjamin Dudley Emerson


Google Books


Crocker & Brewster




Illustrator Unknown








pages 63-64